Electrical Communication is a free textbook on the basics of communication technology. See the editorial for more information....

Review Questions

1. Distinguish between an active and a passive network, and give an example of each.

2. What are meant by the terms rheostat, voltage divider, and potentiometer?

3. Strictly speaking, what is meant by the term load? How is it often used in communication ?

4. Explain the difference between a midseries and a midshunt termination.

5. What is the difference between balanced and unbalanced networks?

6. What is the difference between symmetrical and unsymmetrical networks?

7. What is meant by the term equivalent networks? What is limited equivalence?

8. Which of the two network theorems accomplishes the same results in different ways? Where is each applied?

9. Give an application of the superposition theorem.

10. How would you measure the mutual impedance of a transformer?

11. How do iterative impedance and image impedances differ?

12. How do transition loss and reflection loss differ?

13. Explain what is meant by insertion loss. Give a practical example.

14. What is an electric wave filter? Name a few uses.

15. For a filter to pass a wave, what iterative impedance relations must hold?

16. How does the phase angle of the input impedance of a low-pass filter vary numerically with frequency? Repeat for a high-pass filter.

17. What is meant by saying that a filter is confluent?

18. What are composite filters, and why are they used?

19. What is meant by the term m-derived section?

20. Enumerate the steps in the design of a composite filter.

21. Explain how midseries and midshunt iterative impedances are of importance in composite filter design.

22. What is meant by the statement on page 187 regarding the Q of a quartz crystal?

23. Why are quartz crystals used in wave filters?

24. What is meant by saying that a crystal has divided electrodes?

25. What very important development in crystals occurred in about 1947?

Last Update: 2011-05-18