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Telephone Toll Service and Systems

Toll and long distance service, to be considered in this chapter, are not precisely the same although the terms are often used interchangeably. Toll service is telephone service between two parties located in different exchanges and for which a special toll charge is made. If the two exchanges are far apart, long distance service is the term applied. Occasionally the term intercity service is used.

Toll service is provided over toll lines, defined1 as "a telephone line or channel between two central offices in different exchanges." A telephone channel is defined1 as "a path suitable for the transmission of voice-controlled electric waves between two stations." The telephone channel providing toll telephone service may be supplied over lines, cables, or by radio.

Toll lines, or more correctly, toll channels, are interconnected, or switched, at toll offices.1 At present (1949) most of the switching is by toll operators, and manually operated toll switchboards. Toll dial-switching equipment is used in some instances, and this method is being extended rapidly.

Last Update: 2011-05-30