Beyond the Information Age discusses a new way of thinking about computers, knowledge and understanding. See the editorial for more information....

Our Senses

Historically we've been told we have just five senses: Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, and Touching. Right off you should recognize that this is wrong because we are all aware of Timing too. Everything we do must be timed just right or we couldn't talk or walk as we do. So do we have six senses? No, we actually have sixteen senses! And how do you get even six senses from the four elements of our MEST universe? Here we need to look closer at the mysterious nature of raw data.

What is mysterious about raw data is that it comes from the MEST in sixteen different data types. The data we get from our universe needs a carrier as a means of transport to our senses. The data carriers for MEST are the same four things that makeup our universe namely mass, energy, space, and time. So when we talk about raw data we are talking about a pairing of two each of the basic elements, one being the data, and the other being the carrier of that data. A single raw data type is designated with an acronym like type SE which means Spatial data is carried by Energy. Type SE data is what we commonly associate with seeing images. Type SE data is 'coded' in space (the image) and 'carried' by the energy of light. The light is not the image, the image data is conveyed in the way that the light is spread out across the space of the image. The energy of the light is benign to the actual data so the energy acts as the passive carrier.

What we are getting at here is the study of the physical nature of raw data as it exists in our universe. The study of the physical nature of data is called Data Physics and before we can understand how knowledge is created from data we must first understand the data's physics.

Last Update: 2006-Dec-23