Beyond the Information Age discusses a new way of thinking about computers, knowledge and understanding. See the editorial for more information....

Cloning with ISSU

A variation of Shrink.issu would be CloneMe.issu that uses a special understanding to 'pick your brain' for the purpose of creating a copy of your knowledge base. This copy could then be used to direct the operation of an android or holographic clone duplicate. This 'alter ego' could operate on the Internet in place of you and act like the ultimate autobiography. People could question and interact with your android ISSU as if it was actually you. Every so often you could check in with CloneMe.issu to see if your clone is behaving properly. You could then update its knowledge base if needed, much like people do web-logs (blogs) today.

The opposite of CloneMe.issu would be MeClone.issu an understanding that can teach you to be like another person. This would surly be popular with kids that want to imitate a popular celebrity. MeClone.issu would use the knowledge base from CloneMe.issu to create a training program that would teach someone how to act like the celebrity they want to imitate. It wouldn't be too different from the fad imitations that kids do today but the imitations will be much more accurate and precise. The fan base of imitators could then interact with the original author's CloneMe.issu knowledge base to perfect the author's behavior according to the mutual desire of the entire group. In other words new knowledge developed by the fan base could act as feedback to train original author to behave the way the fans want. Remember ISSU is an Intelligent System Specification Unit quite capable of detailing the complete operation of a human being.

These knowledge base clones of people will begin inhabiting the Internet as a new life-form dependant only on the energy provided to the computers of the planetary mind. It will be fun to play mind games with these clones and challenge their thinking. You may eventually get a certificate similar to a college degree due to your ability to become a MeClone of some famous personality. One side benefit of the CloneMe and MeClone ISSUs is that once developed and written to the planetary mind of the Internet they would become essentially immortal.

Last Update: 2006-Dec-23