The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Algebraic Rules

Here is a list of algebraic rules for hyperreal vectors. Suppose the scalars and vectors ε, δ, are infinitesimal, c, A, are finite but not infinitesimal, and H, K are infinite.


  • -δ is infinitesimal.
  • -A is finite but not infinitesimal.
  • -K is infinite.


  • δ1 + δ2 is infinitesimal.
  • A + δ is finite but not infinitesimal.
  • A1 + A2 is finite (possibly infinitesimal).
  • K + δ and K + A are infinite.

Scalar multiples:

  • εδ, εδ, and εA are infinitesimal.
  • cA is finite but not infinitesimal.
  • cK, HA, and HK are infinite.

Inner products:

δ1 · δ2 and δ · A are infinitesimal.

A1 · A2 is finite (possibly infinitesimal).

Each of these rules can be proved using Theorem 1.For example εA is infinitesimal because each of its components εa1, εa2, and εa3 is infinitesimal.

Other combinations, such as εK and Hδ, can be either infinitesimal, finite, or infinite.

Last Update: 2006-11-06