The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Existence Theorem

Let Δt be positive infinitesimal and let Y(t) be the Euler approximation of the initial value problem


y' = f(t, y), y(a) = y0


Figure 14.4.3

with increment Δt. Let b be a real number greater than a, and suppose that Y(t) is finite for all t between a and b. Then for real numbers t in the interval [a, b], the function y(t) given by

y(t) = st(Y(t))

is a solution of the initial value problem (1).


The theorem shows that the initial value problem (1) has a solution as long as Y(t) remains finite. The solution is found by taking the standard part of Y(t). When Y(t) becomes infinite, we say that an explosion occurs (see Example 2 in Section 14.1 and Example 3 in this section).


At t = a, y(a) = st(Y(a)) = y0. Let M be the largest value of |f(t, Y(t))| for t, a partition point between a and b. Then M is finite. Since Y(t) never changes by more than MΔt from one partition point to the next, we always have

|Y(t) - Y(s)| ≤ M|t - s|.

Taking standard parts, we see that for real s and t in the interval [a, b],

|y(t) - y(s)| ≤ M |t - s|.

By the Transfer Principle, this also holds for all hyperreal s and t between a and b. Then for any a ≤ t ≤ b,

7(t) ≈ Y(st(t)) ≈ y(st(t)) ≈ y(t)

and hence, because f(t, z) is continuous in z,

f(t, Y(t)) ≈ f(t, y(t)).

Let h(t) be the real function

h(t) = f(t, y(t)).

Since Y is an Euler approximation,


for each real point t between a and b. But h(s) = f(s, y(s)) ≈ f(s, Y(s)), so


This is just the Riemann sum of h. Taking standard parts, we get the integral of h:


Finally, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,

y'(t) = h(t) = f(t, y(t)).

Thus y(t) is a solution of (1) as required.

To apply the Existence Theorem, we need a way of checking that Y(t) is finite. Here is a convenient criterion.


Let Y(t) be an Euler approximation of the initial value problem (1) with infinitesimal Δt, and let M and b be finite.

(i) If |f(t, y)| ≤ M for all a ≤ t ≤ b and all y, then Y(t) is finite for all a ≤ t ≤b.

(ii) If |f(t, y)| ≤ M for all a ≤ t ≤ b and all y within M · (t - a) of y0, then Y(t) is finite for all a ≤ t ≤ b.


(i) Since Y(t) cannot change by more than M Δt from one partition point to the next, we have

|Y(t) - y0| ≤ M · (t - a) ≤ M · (b - a).

M · (b - a) is finite, so Y(t) is finite.

The proof of (ii) is similar.

Discussion The lemma is illustrated in Figure 14.4.4. Choose a positive real number M. Part (i) of the lemma says that if f(t, y) is between -M and M, everywhere in the vertical strip between t = a and t = b, then Y(t) is finite for a ≤ t ≤ b. Part (ii) of the lemma says that if f(t, y) is between -M and M, everywhere in the shaded triangle, then Y(t) is finite for a ≤ t ≤ b. Part (ii) is stronger because the shaded triangle is a subset of the vertical strip. The proof shows that Y(t) stays within the shaded rectangle for a ≤ t ≤ b.

The lemma and the Existence Theorem combined show that if we can find an M such that f(t, y) is continuous and f(t, y) is between -M and M everywhere in the shaded triangle, then the initial value problem (1) has a solution y(t) for a ≤ t ≤ b. The proof also shows that the solution y(t) is within the shaded triangle for a ≤ t ≤ b.


Figure 14.4.4

Last Update: 2010-11-25