VIAS Encyclopedia provides a collection of tables and definitions commonly needed in science and engineering.

Common Measurement Units - Light, Power, Energy

Thermal Units

Identifier Value Units             Description
Btu 1.05505585262103 J (kg m2 s-2) British thermal unit
Calorie 4.1868100 J (kg m2 s-2) calorie
Therm 1.05506108 J (kg m2 s-2) 1 Therm = 100,000 BTUs


Identifier Value Units             Description
Footcandle 1.076101 cd sr m-2 foot candle
Footlambert 1.07639104101 cd sr m-2 foot lambert


Identifier Value Units             Description
Horsepower 7.457102 kg m2 s-3 horsepower

Last Update: 2005-02-03