Electrical Engineering is a free introductory textbook to the basics of electrical engineering. See the editorial for more information....

Index T...

T connectionThe Scott, or T, Connection
temperatureThermocouple Meters
temperature of a batteryEffect of High and Low Temperature
thermionic emissionThermionic Emission
thermocoupleSources of Electromotive Force
 Thermocouple Meters
three-phase circuitsThree-Phase Circuits
three-phase powerMeasurement of Three-Phase Power by Two-Wattmeter Method
three-wire circuitThree-Wire Circuits
 Voltage Drop of Two-Wire and Three-Wire Systems
thyratronGas-Filled Triodes
 The Thyratron
time constantTime Constant of the RL Circuit
time vectorUse of Vectors
Tirrill regulatorVoltage Control of A-C Generators
torque angleRunning Conditions
transconductanceAmplification Factor, Plate Resistance, and Transconductance
transformerPotential Transformers
 Current Transformers
 Burdens of Current and Potential Transformers
 The Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer
transientElectrical Transients
 Direct-Current Transients
 Current Transient in a Purely Inductive Circuit
 Transient in an RC Circuit
 Circuit Containing Inductance Only
 Circuit With Inductance and Resistance Only
 Circuit With Capacitance Only
 Circuit With Resistance and Capacitance Only
 Current Transient when RL Circuit is Closed
transientsTransients in Alternating-Current Circuits
triggerGas-Filled Triodes
triodeThe Triode
 Transfer and Plate Characteristics of a Triode
 Amplification Factor, Plate Resistance, and Transconductance
two-wattmeter methodMeasurement of Three-Phase Power by Two-Wattmeter Method
two-wire circuitVoltage Drop of Two-Wire and Three-Wire Systems

Last Update: 2011-02-25