Lectures on Physics has been derived from Benjamin Crowell's Light and Matter series of free introductory textbooks on physics. See the editorial for more information....

Significant Figures

An engineer is designing a car engine, and has been told that the diameter of the pistons (which are being designed by someone else) is 5 cm. He knows that 0.02 cm of clearance is required for a piston of this size, so he designs the cylinder to have an inside diameter of 5.04 cm. Luckily, his supervisor catches his mistake before the car goes into production. She explains his error to him, and mentally puts him in the "do not promote" category.

What was his mistake? The person who told him the pistons were 5 cm in diameter was wise to the ways of significant figures, as was his boss, who explained to him that he needed to go back and get a more accurate number for the diameter of the pistons. That person said "5 cm" rather than "5.00 cm" specifically to avoid creating the impression that the number was extremely accurate. In reality, the pistons' diameter was 5.13 cm. They would never have fit in the 5.04-cm cylinders.

The number of digits of accuracy in a number is referred to as the number of significant figures, or "sig figs" for short. As in the example above, sig figs provide a way of showing the accuracy of a number. In most cases, the result of a calculation involving several pieces of data can be no more accurate than the least accurate piece of data. In other words, "garbage in, garbage out." Since the 5 cm diameter of the pistons was not very accurate, the result of the engineer's calculation, 5.04 cm, was really not as accurate as he thought. In general, your result should not have more than the number of sig figs in the least accurate piece of data you started with. The calculation above should have been done as follows:

5 cm (1 sig fig)
+0.04 cm (1 sig fig)
=5 cm (rounded off to 1 sig fig)

The fact that the final result only has one significant figure then alerts you to the fact that the result is not very accurate, and would not be appropriate for use in designing the engine.

Note that the leading zeroes in the number 0.04 do not count as significant figures, because they are only placeholders. On the other hand, a number such as 50 cm is ambiguous - the zero could be intended as a significant figure, or it might just be there as a placeholder. The ambiguity involving trailing zeroes can be avoided by using scientific notation, in which 5 × 101 cm would imply one sig fig of accuracy, while 5.0 × 101 cm would imply two sig figs.

Self-Check The following quote is taken from an editorial by Norimitsu Onishi in the New York Times, August 18, 2002.

Consider Nigeria. Everyone agrees it is Africa's most populous nation. But what is its population? The United Nations says 114 million; the State Department, 120 million. The World Bank says 126.9 million, while the Central Intelligence Agency puts it at 126,635,626.

What should bother you about this?

Answer The various estimates differ by 5 to 10 million. The CIA's estimate includes a ridiculous number of gratuitous significant figures. Does the CIA understand that everyday, people in are born in, die in, immigrate to, and emigrate from Nigeria?

Dealing correctly with significant figures can save you time! Often, students copy down numbers from their calculators with eight significant figures of precision, then type them back in for a later calculation. That's a waste of time, unless your original data had that kind of incredible precision.

The rules about significant figures are only rules of thumb, and are not a substitute for careful thinking. For instance, $20.00 + $0.05 is $20.05. It need not and should not be rounded off to $20. In general, the sig fig rules work best for multiplication and division, and we also apply them when doing a complicated calculation that involves many types of operations. For simple addition and subtraction, it makes more sense to maintain a fixed number of digits after the decimal point.

When in doubt, don't use the sig fig rules at all. Instead, intentionally change one piece of your initial data by the maximum amount by which you think it could have been off, and recalculate the final result. The digits on the end that are completely reshuffled are the ones that are meaningless, and should be omitted.

Self-Check How many significant figures are there in each of the following measurements?

(1) 9.937 m

(2) 4.0 s

(3) 0.0000037 kg .

Answer (1)4; (2)2; (3)2

Last Update: 2009-06-21