Radio Antenna Engineering is a free introductory textbook on radio antennas and their applications. See the editorial for more information....

Appendix IV-B

Author: Edmund A. Laport

Chart of angles of nulls


in the function The angles of nulls in the patterns of Appendix IV-A as measured from the normal to the axis of the radiators are read from this chart.


When applied to radiation patterns of straight antennas parallel to perfectly reflecting surfaces (such as "ground" or passive reflectors), S represents the electrical spacing between the antenna and its image. Therefore S/2 is the electrical height h of the antenna above ground, or the electrical distance d from a reflecting screen.

Tabulation of the functions




for values of S from 180 to 2,520 degrees in 180-degree steps.

These are the patterns in the equatorial plane of two identical parallel nonstaggered radiators with equal currents in antiphase relation. By dividing the column headings for S (degrees) by 2, each column can be read as a vertical pattern for a horizontal antenna over perfectly conducting ground.

Tabulation of the functions cos f ^ sin <f> 1 and cos « sin (90 - <#>) I for values of S from 180 to 2,520 degrees in 180-degree steps.

These are the patterns in the equatorial plane of two identical parallel nonstaggered radiators with equal cophased currents.

Last Update: 2011-03-20