Electrical Communication is a free textbook on the basics of communication technology. See the editorial for more information....


1. Calculate α, β, and Z0 at 1000 cycles for a non-loaded 19-gauge telephone cable side circuit and compare the results with the values given in Table III.

2. Calculate α, β, and Z0 at 1000 cycles for a 19-gauge telephone cable side circuit with H-172-S loading and compare the results with the values given in Table III.

3. A section of the cable of Problem 1 is 100 miles long and is terminated in its characteristic impedance. Standard testing power of 1.0 milliwatt at 1000 cycles is put into the cable at the sending end. Calculate the sending-end current and voltage, and the current, voltage, and power at the receiving end.

4. Make the same calculations as in Problem 3, but for a 100-mile section of the loaded cable of Problem 2.

5. Calculate the cutoff frequency for the circuit of Problem 2.

6. Calculate the cutoff frequency for the last circuit of Table III.

7. As stated on page 259, a ratio of b/a = 3.6 gives least attenuation. What would have been the attenuation of the coaxial cable of page 260 if the outer conductor had been such as to give this ratio?

8. What would have been the inductance, capacitance, characteristic impedance, and resistance of the coaxial cable of page 260 if the conditions of Problem 7 applied?

9. Repeat the calculations starting on page 260, but at a frequency of 550 kilocycles.

10. A rectangular wave guide has an a dimension of 5 centimeters and a b dimension of 2 centimeters. What will be the cutoff frequency and the longest free-space wavelength?

Last Update: 2011-05-18