This is the Web Edition of "A Trip Into Space", a Coimbra-based electronic book on space science. Both the texts and the photos are by courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Jupiter Rings Fact Sheet

                         Radius   Radius/         Optical     Albedo     Surf. Density      
                          (km)     Eq. radius      Depth                   (g/cm2)
   Jupiter Equator       71,492      1.000                                                           
   Halo                >100,000   1.40 - 1.71     3 x 10-6                                                 
   Main                >122,000   1.71 - 1.81     5 x 10-6    ~0.015      5 x 10-6                                                  
   Gossamer            >129,000     1.8 - 3       1 x 10-7                                                 

Last Update: 2006-Feb-27