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Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Suppose that for the infinite line of the preceding section a point an infinite distance from the sending end is considered. At this point, l = ∞ for equations 21 and 22, and these can be equated to zero and become


These equations can be written


since from the theory of hyperbolic functions

An examination of a table of hyperbolic functions will show that, when l = ∞, tanh lsqrt(zy) = 1.0; therefore, equations 27 and 28 become


where Zs is the sending-end impedance of the infinitely long line considered, measured between the two line input terminals. If equations 29 and 30 are substituted in the general expressions 22 and 21, respectively, then


Since ε-x = (cosh x - sinh x), these equations become



and is called the propagation constant per loop mile for the line under consideration. Like equations 21 and 22, these equations also give the voltage or current at any point along the line in terms of the sending-end values.

Last Update: 2011-05-30