Beyond the Information Age discusses a new way of thinking about computers, knowledge and understanding. See the editorial for more information....

What's Beyond Information

Beyond the information age is an age of true knowledge and precise understanding. This new age will be arrived at by billions of people learning a way of thinking that is compatible with both computers and global networking. Yes, in a way we will all learn to think like computers but this will not be a bad thing. The hard part will be teaching computers to think in the first place so they can do some thinking for us. Eventually we will learn to think together in a global network called the planetary mind. People will wear headsets that wirelessly connect us to the planetary mind. Everything the world has to offer will be available to virtually anyone by simply asking for it from the planetary mind. People will earn and spend money depending on how they interact with the planetary mind. Problems that used to take decades for government to solve will be solved in minutes by millions of people working together on a single problem. To say that life will be different in this new age will be an understatement. Everything we know will change. Like the difference between the 19th and the 20th Centuries, the horse and buggy days and the information age.

Before you can learn this new way of thinking, there are numerous new ideas you will need to comprehend. The first half of the book covers the subjects of Raw Data, Knowledge, Understanding, and Issues. These subjects need to be defined more explicitly before the new thinking can be presented. The second half of the book describes new computer software called ISSU needed to eliminate our drive to work and those old office buildings.

The key word in this book is knowledge, we need to know what it is, and how it differs from the information that we are all so used to. True knowledge is hard to define in our present state but it has to do with finding the truth that will set us free. This book will show different ways to find the truth and how computers can help in many situations. Eventually our computers will become storehouses of true knowledge like a giant brain, and the knowledge will be instantly accessible from anywhere by anyone. We will have left the information age and entered an age of true knowledge.

This book may be just another vehicle in the age-old quest for the truth but as you will see it takes on a twist. In this book, truth is arrived at via a systematic scientific method that anyone can learn. This is because when learned, you will know a way to find the truth for yourself on almost any subject you desire.

In the information age, the truth is getting to be just about impossible to find. There is so much information and misinformation everywhere that most people are totally overwhelmed. We need a way to manage this onslaught of information and find true knowledge. The way to do this is through new thinking, thinking in a way humans were designed to think in the first place.

Now it may seem like a daunting task to re-train everyone on the planet to think differently but it may be easier than you think. In less than 20 years the Internet was something that almost nobody knew about. At the same time computers were still a new idea and few people knew how to use them. Now in a short 20 years, billions of people all over the world have learned how to use computers and the Internet to streamline there lifestyle. It is easy to change your thinking and soon everybody will be doing it.

Last Update: 2006-Dec-23