Beyond the Information Age discusses a new way of thinking about computers, knowledge and understanding. See the editorial for more information....

Careful Observation

The first thing to do is become a keen observer of people and society around you and carefully observe the power and effect of knowledge. In today's world you don't need to look far to observe knowledge warfare in action. There are wars, political battles, legal battles, and power struggles going on all the time. What is interesting to discover is the knowledge that is causing the battle. This knowledge is not always evident by simply observing the operation of the people. What people are saying or doing is not always the root cause (knowledge) that is directing what is going on. People are very cleaver at concealing their true knowledge or understanding so that it cannot be attacked directly. It takes practice to discover what is really going on and what motivation is the causing that action. With careful observation you can see knowledge on the attack and how people defend their sacred knowledge.

Last Update: 2006-Dec-23