VIAS Encyclopedia provides a collection of tables and definitions commonly needed in science and engineering.

Common Constants in Electromagnetism

Identifier Value Units Description
Bohr Magneton 9.2740089910-24 J T-1 Bohr magneton
Bohr Magneton eVT 5.78838174910-5 eV T-1 Bohr magneton in eV/T
Conductance Quantum 7.74809169610-5 S-1 conductance quantum
Electron Charge 1.60217646210-19 A s electron charge (also known as elementary charge)
Electron Magnetic Moment 9.2847636210-24 A m2 electron magnetic moment
Faraday 9.6485341472104 A s mol-1 Faraday constant
Josephson Constant 483597.898109 Hz V-1 Josephson constant
Magnetic Flux Quantum 2.06783363610-15 Wb-1 magnetic flux quantum
Nuclear Magneton 5.0507831710-27 J T-1 nuclear magneton
Nuclear Magneton [eV/T] 3.15245123810-8 eV T-1 nuclear magneton in eV/T
Vacuum Impedance 376.730313461 Ohm vacuum impedance
Vacuum Permeability 1.2566370614410-6(= 4Pi*10-7) N A-2 Vacuum permeability is the degree of magnetisation of the vacuum in response to a magnetic field.
Vacuum Permittivity 8.85418781710-12 F m-1 The vacuum permittivity is basically the scale factor between the unit of force and the unit of charge. The name "permittivity" probably goes back to the days when people believed that there is an ether in space. You can also think about it as the way the force between two charges is effected by space.

Last Update: 2005-06-25