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Mac Filters

Before being granted access to network resources, users should first be authenticated. In an ideal world, every wireless user would have an identifier that is unique, unchangeable, and cannot be impersonated by other users. This turns out to be a very difficult problem to solve in the real world.

The closest feature we have to a unique identifier is the MAC address. This is the 48-bit number assigned by the manufacturer to every wireless and Ethernet device. By employing mac filtering on our access points, we can authenticate users based on their MAC address. With this feature, the access point keeps an internal table of approved MAC addresses. When a wireless user tries to associate to the access point, the MAC address of the client must be on the approved list, or the association will be denied. Alternately, the AP may keep a table of known “bad” MAC addresses, and permit all devices that are not on the list.

Unfortunately, this is not an ideal security mechanism. Maintaining MAC tables on every device can be cumbersome, requiring all client devices to have their MAC addresses recorded and uploaded to the APs. Even worse, MAC addresses can often be changed in software. By observing MAC addresses in use on a wireless network, a determined attacker can “spoof” an approved MAC address and successfully associate to the AP. While MAC filtering will prevent unintentional users and even most curious individuals from accessing the network, MAC filtering alone cannot prevent attacks from determined attackers.

MAC filters are useful for temporarily limiting access from misbehaving clients. For example, if a laptop has a virus that sends large amounts of spam or other traffic, its MAC address can be added to the filter table to stop the traffic immediately. This will buy you time to track down the user and fixthe problem.

Last Update: 2007-01-21