Program |
Short Description |
Reference |
#4001 Console of a Mass Spectrometer
This program simulates the console of a mass spectrometer.
The user may experiment with different resolutions and mass ranges.
Ambient air, pregnene, 6-methyl-5-nonen-4-one and perfluorokerosene
may be put into the mass spectrometer......more |
Teach/Me Instrumentelle Analytik |
#4002 Molecular Formulas |
If a molecular mass is known to a certain tolerance you can calculate all possible molecular formulas of this particular mass. This example shows the possible formulas for molecules containing C, H, O, and Cl.......more |
Teach/Me Instrumentelle Analytik |
#4003 Atomic Spectra |
Display of the emission lines of some selected elements. The user can view emission or absorption lines alternatively, and can increase, shift, or make the spectrum smaller........more |
Teach/Me Instrumentelle Analytik |
#4004 Sector Field MS |
Simulates the separation of ions of different masses in a magnetic sector field. The user can adjust both the accelerating voltage and the magnetic field strength........more |
Teach/Me Instrumentelle Analytik |
#4005 Overlapping Chromatographic Peaks |
Shows the errors made when overlapping chromatographic peaks are
to be quantified. The user can adjust the peak position, the height, and the peak width to see the quantification error under various conditions......more |
unpublished |
#4006 Titration of Acids and Bases |
Simulation of acid-base titrations. The user may select from a list of about 40 acids and bases and a list of 20 acid-base indicators covering the entire pH range......more |
unpublished |
#4007 Calculation of the Molecular Weight |
The user may select any combination of atoms to calculate the average molecular weight of the corresponding molecule.....more |
unpublished |
#4008 Polyprotic Acids |
This program calculates the distribution of dissociated ions of polyprotic acids.....more |
unpublished |