The Compendium Geometry is an eBook providing facts, formulas and explanations about geometry.

Index A...

3D scaling3D Scaling with Homogeneous Coordinates
3D solidsGeneral Rules for 3D Solids
3D translation3D Translation with Homogeneous Coordinates
abscissaThree-dimensional Cartesian Coordinate System
 Two-dimensional Cartesian Coordinate System
acute triangleTriangle - General Definitions
altitudeProperties of a Right Triangle
 Altitudes of a Triangle
angleHalf Angle Relations in a Triangle
 Relations between Angles and Sides in Triangles
 Relations between Angles in Triangles
angle bisectorIncircle and Angle Bisectors of a Triangle
anglesProperties of Arbitrary Triangles
angles of a triangleTriangle - General Definitions
ankatheteProperties of a Right Triangle
annulusAnnulus (Circle Ring)
applicateCylindrical Coordinate System
 Three-dimensional Cartesian Coordinate System
arbitrary trianglesProperties of Arbitrary Triangles
areaProperties of a Right Triangle
 Area of a Triangle
 Annulus (Circle Ring)
 Regular Polygon
azimuthal coordinateCylindrical Coordinate System

Last Update: 2011-01-11