Electrical Communication is a free textbook on the basics of communication technology. See the editorial for more information....

Index T...

T sectionEquivalence of T and Pi Sections
talking arcMiscellaneous Receivers and Loudspeakers
tandem switchboardTandem Trunking
tank circuitRadio-Frequency Power Amplifiers
taper padsPads and Attenuators
TE modeRectangular Wave Guides
TelefaxFacsimile Transmission
telegraphThe Development of the Electromagnetic Telegraph
 The Invention of the Electromagnetic Telegraph
 Further Development of the Morse Telegraph System
telegraph linesTelegraph Lines and Cables
telegraph relayPolar Direct-Current Telegraph Systems
telegraph repeaterNeutral, or Single-Current, Telegraph Relays and Repeaters
telegraph signalNature of Currents in Neutral, or Single-Current, Systems
 Nature of Currents in Polar, or Double-Current, Systems
telegraph systemNeutral Direct-Current Telegraph Systems
telegraph systemsTelegraph Systems
telegraph transmissionTelegraph Transmission Theory
telephoneEarly Attempts to Transmit Speech Mechanically
 The Invention of the Electric Telephone
 The Early History of the Telephone
 Simple Telephone Systems
 Line Connections of Magneto Telephone Sets
telephone dialNationwide Dialing
telephone exchangeTelephone Exchange Service and Systems
telephone handsetTransmitters for Telephone Handsets
 Receivers for Telephone Handsets
telephone influence factorEffects of Harmonics
telephone networkToll Switching Plans
telephone receiverTelephone Receivers and Loudspeakers
 Hand and Head Receivers
 Theory of Telephone Receiver Operation
telephone repeaterThe Development of Telephone Service
 Telephone Repeaters
 Early Telephone Repeaters
 Vacuum-Tube Telephone Repeaters
telephone setModern Telephone Sets
telephone switchboardThe Development of Telephone Service
telephone systemTypes of Telephone Systems
telephone transmitterTelephone Transmitter Operation in Resistive Circuits
 Distortion Produced by Telephone Transmitters
 Acoustic Tests
telephone trunkingTandem Trunking
teleprinterStart-Stop Printing Telegraphy
teletypewriterStart-Stop Printing Telegraphy
teletypewriter exchange serviceTeletypewriter Exchange Systems
televisionType L Coaxial Cable Carrier Telephone Systems
TEM waveRectangular Wave Guides
temperature inversionThe Troposphere
terminal repeaterRepeater Applications
terminationImpedance of Coil-Loaded Cables
tetrodeHigh-Vacuum Thermionic Four-Electrode Tubes
thermal receiverMiscellaneous Receivers and Loudspeakers
thermophoneMiscellaneous Receivers and Loudspeakers
through-line repeaterRepeater Applications
ThyratronLow-Pressure Gas Thermionic Triodes and Tetrodes
Thévenin's theoremNetwork Theorems
TIFEffects of Harmonics
tilted-wire antennaThe Rhombic Antenna
TM modeRectangular Wave Guides
toll connectionTypical Toll Connection
toll linesTelephone Toll Service and Systems
toll operating methodsToll Operating Methods
toll switching planToll Switching Plans
toll trunking methodToll Trunking Methods
transconductanceHigh-Vacuum Thermionic Three-Electrode Tubes
transducerImage Impedances
transformerClosely Coupled Circuits
transformer equivalent networkTransformer Equivalent Networks
transistorThe Transistor
transition lossTransition Loss
transmissionTelegraph Distortion
transmission equationDerivation of Transmission Equations
transmission lineTransmission Lines
 Propagation Constant of Radio-Frequency Transmission Lines
 Open-Wire Transmission Line at Radio Frequencies
 The Exponential Radio-Frequency Transmission Line
 Equivalent T Section of a Uniform Line
transmission line oscillatorTransmission-Line Oscillators
transmission lossTransition Loss
transmission of soundThe Transmission of Sound
transmission of televisionType L Coaxial Cable Carrier Telephone Systems
transmission speedTelegraph Transmission Theory
transmitted bandTransmitted Bands from Propagation Constant
 Transmitted Band from Iterative Impedances
transmitterPassive or Generator-Type Telephone Transmitters
 Active or Modifier-Type Telephone Transmitters
 The Single-Button Carbon-Granule Telephone Transmitter
 The Functioning of the Carbon Granules
 Transmitters for Telephone Handsets
 Telephone Transmitter Operation in Resistive Circuits
 Distortion Produced by Telephone Transmitters
 The Magnetic "Sound-Powered" Telephone Transmitter
 Acoustic Tests
 Frequency-Modulation Radio-Telephone Transmitters
transmitting electricityEarly Attempts at Electrical Communication
transoceanic radio-telephoneTransoceanic Low-Frequency Radio-Telephone Systems
 Transoceanic High-Frequency Radio-Telephone Systems
transpositionTelephone Line Transpositions
transposition schemeTelephone Transposition Schemes
transverse electric modeRectangular Wave Guides
transverse inductionMethods of Induction
transverse magnetic modeRectangular Wave Guides
traveling-wave amplifier tubeTraveling-Wave Amplifier Tube
triodeLow-Pressure Gas Thermionic Triodes and Tetrodes
 High-Vacuum Thermionic Three-Electrode Tubes
triple harmonicsPower-System Harmonics
troposphereRadio Wave Transmission Paths
 The Troposphere
trunking methodToll Trunking Methods
tubeHigh-Vacuum Thermionic Diodes
 Low-Pressure Gas Thermionic Diodes
 Low-Pressure Gas Thermionic Triodes and Tetrodes
 Two-Electrode Cold-Cathode Tubes
 Three-Electrode Cold-Cathode Tubes
 Equivalent Circuit of a Vacuum Tube
tuned-grid oscillatorInductance-Capacitance (L-C) Oscillators
tuned-plate oscillatorInductance-Capacitance (L-C) Oscillators
tuned-radio-frequency receiverAmplitude-Modulation Radio Receivers
TungarHigh-Pressure Gas Thermionic Diodes
twin rhombic antennaTransoceanic High-Frequency Radio-Telephone Systems
TWXTeletypewriter Exchange Systems
type K carrier systemType K Carrier Telephone System
type L carrier systemType L Coaxial Cable Carrier Telephone Systems
typical soundsNoise Reduction

Last Update: 2011-06-06